Have you downsized to a smaller home, or upgraded to a bigger one? Chances are you’ve made a New Year’s Resolution to keep your new home tidy and organized. The problem is, you’ve still got all those boxes to put away, don’t you?
The third week in January tends to be when most people give up on their resolutions. That doesn’t need to happen to you, though! Here are a few tips from our expert movers and professional packers (and unpackers!) to help you keep your New Year’s Resolution:
- A Place for Everything, and Everything in it’s Place. This may be a cliched saying, but it’s true! Make sure everything in your home has a proper place. Everyone in your family should follow this rule: If you walk by something out of place, take a few seconds to put it away.
- Books go on bookshelves when they’re not being read.
- Appliances go inside cabinets when not in use.
- Clean clothes go straight from the laundry hamper into the closet or dresser drawer.
- Store Seasonal Items. Seasonal items like winter snow pants and skates should be tucked away during the spring and summer months. There’s no point in having them clutter up your closets for 6 months out of the year! The same goes for summer items – box up those bermuda shorts and swimming gear. Make sure to label each of these boxes clearly – you never know when you might go on a tropical vacation in January!
- Keep Cleaning Tools Close at Hand. You don’t need to store all cleaning products in one place. Aren’t there are plenty of times when you think to yourself, “This place could use a quick scrub”? If you don’t need to go downstairs to the cleaning closet and drag up a heavy vacuum or gather together all the cleaning products to carry them back up, you’ll be much more likely to just grab a rag and do a bit of quick cleaning.
- Cleaning solutions, rubber gloves, sponges or rags, etc., should be kept in both rooms that need regular cleaning – bathroom and kitchen.
- Brooms, dustpans, vacuums and feather dusters should be stored near both the living room and bedrooms.
With these few tips, you’ll be able to keep up with your New Year’s Resolution all year long!